5 Of The World’s Most Inaccessible Places In The World That We Can Only Dream Of Visiting!


For the thrill-seekers out there.


Buses, planes, ships, trains, cars – there are plenty of ways to travel to different countries. But, believe it or not, there are some places in the world that are so remote that it is nearly impossible to get to.

These places are isolated for various reasons – some because of tough terrain while others because of travel bans or unsafe conditions. Of course, if you are a thrill seeker looking to uncover the undiscovered and don’t mind going to great lengths just to get there, then these sites will offer you the unforgettable experience that you seek. For the rest of us, we can enjoy the beautiful photos!

1. Nauru


Nauru is the least visited country in the world! It is one of the islands in Micronesia – and they were not kidding about ‘micro’. Nauru is so small that you can walk through it in just a couple of hours. Finding a way to get to this country is the tough part. First you have to fly to Brisbane in Australia and since Nauru’s national airline only flies once a week, you probably have to wait a couple of days. Even if you are lucky to catch the plane without delays or cancellations, which happens more often than not, you will have to visit Solomon Islands before finally arriving at Nauru.

After you find a suitable accommodation by walking around the country, you can finally get to enjoy its beautiful beaches, ocean and comfortable climate.

2. Motuo, China



Motuo is the most remote regions in China. It is completely inaccessible by road. This hasn’t always been the case though. In 1993, they did build a highway into the country. But, it only existed for two days, and carried a total of four vehicles before it got engulfed by the jungle. Now, the only access to Motuo is by a 200 metre long suspension cable, 100 metres in the air. Essential supplies like food and medicine have to carried in by hand.

3. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland



Ittoqqortoormiit is as hard to access as it is hard to pronounce and spell. This town in Greenland is part of a municipal district about the size of England. It is so remote that it only has a population of only slightly more than 500. The nearest airport is about 40 Km away. But flights in and out are very rare. Even the surrounding seas are perpetually frozen, leaving only approximately three months of travel by boat. Ittoqqortoormiit is one of the most northernmost settlements in the world, it is completely isolated in the cold vastness.

4. Eritrea

man with a view


This mysterious small country in Africa has plenty of historical, natural and architectural wonders, but it is not easy to get to, thanks to travel restrictions imposed by its government. Eritrea’s complicated political situations and the long process of getting the required permissions to travel into this country makes it such a hassle that only a few get a chance to visit. Many countries have also advised against travelling to Eritrea due to political tensions and the lack of embassies to help you out in times of emergencies. Still, the rawness of Eritrea is the reason why there are still many waiting in line for a visa.

5. Chang Tang, Tibet


This place is so isolated that Swedish explorer Sven Hedin reported not seeing a single person for 81 days straight. Chang Tang is part of the remote Tibetan plateau, which is officially the least accessible, albeit unbelievably gorgeous, place on Earth!