Even Parking Coupons Are Going Digital. URA Launches A Mobile App To Replace Parking Coupons


Singaporeans are also requesting for open-wifi spots to come with it. 


We’ve been promised a lot this year – the possibility of a flying taxi, delivery drones and now maybe even apps to replace the hassle of tearing parking coupons.

It’s not a groundbreaking change per se; countries like Australia and New Zealand are on board with a similar system.

While the chances of us having to use parking coupons are quite rare these days with the onslaught of the electronic parking systems, Singapore still has around 1,150 car parks that require the use of paper coupons.

If successful, the app – which uses GPS – will provide greater convenience for motorists, who won’t have to return to their vehicles just to replenish coupons to extend their parking hours. It will also mean that we would no longer need to face the common blunders that come with paper coupons, such as tearing out the wrong dates, year and the list goes on.  


For a start, the app will be tested among public sector officers this month at areas that still require paper coupons such as Amoy Street, Circular Road and Emerald Hill Road. The plan is to expand the trial to the public later this year, when this form of payment method is proven to be viable.


Users of the app can expect an automatic fee calculation, which will be based on a per-minute basis once you indicate the vehicle number and car park. The app will also be able to handle refunds should you decide to leave the car park earlier. It’s an all-in-one app that will come in handy when you want to monitor the validity of your parking session and extend it via the app when you need to.

You Can Still Get Parking Fines


Even with this digitalised parking method, enforcement officers will never be out of the job. They are already trained to “identify digitally parked” cars and those whose session has lapsed.

Win-win For All?


The app would of course need data in order to function. Too much? You decide.

If you’re one who always forgets to stock up on parking coupons, then this app will make your life easier. You will never have to painstakingly set-up your coupons on the dashboard. But on a larger scale of things, the Urban Redevelopment Authority seems to have forgotten about the older generation of drivers who may not be as technology-savvy. They already have trouble using a smartphone, what more an app?