A UFO Was Spotted In Singapore Skies Yesterday, But It’s Not What You Think It is


You can put your tinfoil hats away guys…

Photo Courtesy of Fabian Koh

Singaporeans around the West of the island this week were greeted with an unfamiliar, and some would say, an unidentified object in the sky.

Pictures of a mysterious white blimp-shaped object floating around the West region of Singapore skies have emerged online yesterday.


Reddit user f0fz first posted this picture yesterday, where he described it as a “weird thing in the sky” hovering around the Jurong area.


A day later, another reddit TeaChugger7 posted another picture of a similarly shaped object, spotted in the skies near the KJE/PIE expressways.

At first sight, this clear as day sighting would have probably set UFO believers into overdrive. After all, this wasn’t the first time unknown strange lights and objects have been spotted in Singapore.

Mystery Solved

Fortunately, there is a highly plausible explanation to this mysterious sighting.


While authorities have yet to release a statement, the object spotted in the above pictures is probably a military blimp, operated by the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF).

The 55m long helium -filled blimp, which can observe potential threats from up to 200 km away – was earlier reported by the Straits Times to be ready for local testing this year.

Seeing as to how it is based in Choa Chu Kang Camp, it makes perfect sense for it to be spotted in the Jurong area.

Not The First Time

That said, this wasn’t the first time that the blimp has caused a false scare to Singaporeans.

Earlier this year, several Jurong residents posted videos on Twitter showing mysterious blinking lights hovering nearby a block of HDB flats.

However, it was debunked by the official RSAF Twitter account, who revealed that it  was indeed a military blimp.

That said, as the initial video was shot at night, it  would probably be the first time Singaporeans would be seeing such a shape in their skies, resulting in confusion.

Case closed, everyone.