According To Science, This Viral 7-minute Workout Is All You Need To Keep Fit.


It’s a fitness hack for you busy people.

Some do it just to look good, while others are in it to truly reap the benefits. Getting in the recommended 15-minute daily workout seems to be the hardest thing on earth for the majority of us, especially after a long, tiresome day at work.

7 Minutes Is All You Need


Keeping fit is crucial, but we get it— you’re busy. So the American College of Sports Medicine decided to unveil a revolutionary study with the most effective workout you will ever need – The 7-Minute Workout.

For the time-strapped corporate warriors, this workout promises you the maximum benefit of a sweaty bike ride and a gym session. It’s not all hype, as it is backed by science and there are studies to prove that it is the optimal duration required to trigger a beneficial physiological response. By incorporating aerobic and resistance training in the span of 7 minutes, the workout allows individuals to expend their physical energy for maximum effort. For instance, these few minutes of training at an intensity close to your maximum capacity helps produce molecular changes within the muscle comparable to those hour long workouts. Voila!


However, in order for it to be effective, you need to carry out the following 12 exercises in sequence – using only your body weight, a chair and a wall. The order is deliberate since it works your body in sequence so that different muscle groups have a chance to recover in between. For an extra boost of endorphins – complete 2 to 3 sets.

The Exercise Routine


Here Are The 12 steps You Will Need To Follow:

1. Jumping Jacks

Warm up your body with this heart-boosting exercise. Some even say it’s better at fat burning as compared to running.

2. Wall Sit

This old school exercise tests your glutes and leg endurance for the toned legs you’ve been hoping for.

3. Push Up

Those who went through National Service would already be very accustomed to this workout, especially when sergeant asks you to “drop 20”.

4. Abdominal Crunches

Doing this alone definitely doesn’t guarantee washboard abs, but good enough to strengthen your abdominal muscles for that toned, flat tummy.

5. Step Up Onto Chair

This one targets your abdominal muscles and quadruple muscles as you balance your way through 30-seconds of this.

6. Squats

For that Kim K asset you never will have unless you undergo butt transplant.

7. Triceps Dip

Get rid of those flabby arms with this tricep workout – it’s hard but you’ll reap the benefits of it.

8. Plank

Up for a 30-second plank? Don’t cheat, we’re watching.

9. High Knees

This is one intense move but this actually helps to strengthen your gluteal muscle, allowing you to run better and longer. It’s a challenging drill – so be patient.

10. Lunges

Lunges target the quadriceps, but involve additional muscles including the glutes, hamstrings, calves and core muscles, making them an important exercise for toning the lower body.

11. Rotating Push Ups

Unlike a traditional push-up, this one requires you to begin in a push-up position and slowly rotate your body 90-degrees from the floor as you push back up. Good for reducing the strain on your shoulders.

12. Side Planks

Tighten those love handles with this move – that is undeniably more torturous than a regular plank.

So, there you have it – 12 moves at 30 seconds each, with 10-second intervals between each move. The key is pushing yourself to your limit during each interval.

Balance Out Your Unhealthy Habits With Supplements


If you cannot set a regular schedule for exercise due to your 9-5 job, then it is best to balance your unhealthy habits with supplements to ensure optimal performance at work. Constantly feeling lethargic is a sign that your body is lacking the nutrients it needs.


There is no shortcut to getting healthy so covering your nutritional bases is the first step to ensure a strong physical foundation. This is where health supplements come into place. However, searching for the perfect supplement might be time-consuming – considering the myriad of choices available in the market.

We recommend choosing a health supplement that is naturally derived for maximum bioavailability, and an “all-in-one” to cover the range of possible nutritional deficits.

Instead of spending money on different types of supplements for each essential nutrient, this pill contains Euglena, a type of microalgae with a whopping 59 key nutrients. That’s all your body needs for optimal health.


The Euglena P-3 health supplements, combines Euglena together with probiotics, providing you with 7 benefits, all condensed in one tiny pill. It’s perfect for time-strapped working adults. No time for your health? You have no excuse this time.

Find out how you can cope with the demands of work in the best way that you can today!