Someone Has Set Up A Website To Record All The Horrifying Events In Yishun. Manages To Be Both Outrageous And Informative.

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The neighbourhood has been experiencing a series of unfortunate events.


The American dream, The Singapore Dream, The Yishun Dream.That was the connection I made when I first saw the site. Turns out, it’s pretty much the opposite.

The Yishun Dream documents the ongoing series of very “dramatic and horrifying” accidents that have been happening in “The Devil’s Ring”.


The madness has been split into categories that are clearly divided for users to analyze.

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With an interactive map feature, you can scroll over the different tagpoints to see what nefarious events occurred in this mysterious region.

As if these accidents are not depressing enough, this site plays on the idea of “studying” the various freak incidents in Singapore. Perhaps it’s all an attempt to uncover some patterns underlying the eerie concentration of horrible events in Yishun. Sure, it’s rather grim, but this information could be useful for aspiring paranormal investigators looking to solve this mystery.

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We owe The Yishun Dream some credit for collecting these valuable anecdotes and case studies from the people of Yishun. This form of true story-sharing is an essential facet of what holds the fabric of neighbourhoods together.

So, what would you like to see next? I’m surprised we haven’t had one about the heartwarming and good Samaritan acts seen in Singapore. Singapore is not just full of accidents and weird media freak-outs, right?

We’ll spare you from my poorly described version of Yishun Dream as the Creator, Lhu Wen Kai does a perfect job on

Stop the judgement for a second, this guy is super talented!

The name is Lhu Wen Kai. He is 18 this year and has already had way more experience than most of his age. Wen Kai has his own site and has worked with various media publications in Singapore.

His works include Keynote presentation done with his graphic design skills, filmmaking and does freelance writing, photography and musical presentations. Age really is just a number—-he is an Apple Certified Professional and has had his debut solo exhibition in 2015. And he talks “sports” too. Can this guy get any more talented than that?

According to his Linkedin profile, the site garners traffic in over 150 countries with 90% of his views from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Singapore


Perhaps we should look beyond this his grim endeavor and encourage students in Singapore to pick up more creative pursuits!