Blow-drying Vs Air-drying? Here’s 5 Widely Believed Hair Myths You Should Stop Believing Immediately.


You’ve probably heard all these hair myths that has been around for ages. But how much of it is true? 

You’ve probably heard them all — “don’t pluck a gray hair because two more will come back in its place”— hair myths that have been around so long, we’ve accepted them as wisdom.

So, which old wives’ tales actually have truth behind them? We asked the experts (called trichologists) at the award-winning TK TrichoKare to debunk some common hair myths and introduce some scientifically-proven ways to keep your hair healthy.

Myth 1: Plucking One Grey Hair Will Result In Three More Growing In It’s Place

The bottom line: We’ve probably heard this popular myth a lot. However, this is untrue – when you pluck one hair, it will not affect other hair follicles around it or make you grow more grey hair. In fact, there is a chance that the new hair will be less grey than the previous. However, proceed with caution because plucking your hair might permanently damage your hair follicle, resulting in no future hair growth!

Even though you can’t reverse or prevent greying, you can take steps to ensure premature greying. Avoid smoking and remember to have sufficient intake of Vitamin B5, B12 and protein – which will help prevent the loss of hair pigment.

Myth 2: Rub Whisky On Your Hair To Promote Growth

The bottom line: This myth was originally meant for facial hair growth – but no, rubbing whisky would not work. While there are no studies proving its ineffectiveness, whisky is known to have certain benefits. Since it contains alcohol, whisky is known to have strong antiseptic properties that can cleanse the skin by removing bacteria and dirt.

If you’re desperate for some hair to grow, then try your hands at homemade hair masks, with whisky being one of the ingredients.

Try this recipe: Lightly warm some olive oil. Add one egg yolk and one teaspoon of strong alcohol such as vodka or whisky. Spread over the head. Put plastic wrap and a scarf over your head and leave on for about 40 minutes to an hour. Believe it or not, this will wash out easily!

Myth 3: Scalp Treatments Are Only Meant For Older Adults Experiencing Hair-Related Problems

The bottom line: Better to be safe than sorry. It always better to take preventive measures before it is too late. With all the hair bleaches, heat styling tools and not to mention the damaging sun rays, your scalp is constantly suffering.

What’s scary is that you can never tell the condition of your scalp with the naked eye alone. So unless you consult a trichologist, you might be in the dark forever. While ignorance is bliss, it’s not quite so when it comes to something as important as your hair scalp. A consultation with a trusted trichologist or a professional is the way to go since it tackles any hair concerns you might have – solving the the root of the problem, literally.

Myth 4: Dandruff Signifies A Dry Scalp

The bottom line: We’re used to equating flaking with dryness, it’s an easy mistake to make. But it’s an oily scalp that usually goes hand in hand with dandruff. Dandruff is caused by a type of bacteria that tends to grow in an oily environment. Dandruff is your body’s reaction to the bacteria.

Solution: Don’t cut down on washing in an attempt to get rid of it. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo, and consult a specialist or a trichologist if your condition does not improve.

Myth 5: Air-drying Is Healthier Than Blow-Drying

The bottom line: Arguments surrounding these two methods of drying has been going around for ages. We never know which to believe, but the experts at TrichoKare found that blow-drying causes more damage to the hair’s surface (as expected), but air-drying can create damage deeper within strands.

Apparently, the interior of the hair swells when exposed to water for extended periods of time, possibly creating more damage than heat styling. (Yes, our minds were blown, too.) Your best bet is to use the lowest heat setting on your dryer (or hold it at least six inches away), making sure to move it continuously, so you don’t concentrate heat on any one spot for too long.

Get To The Root Of Your Hair Woes

If you’re still concerned about a hair problem you might have, it’s highly recommended that you immediately consult a specialist. It’s important to realise that even if your mane seems perfectly healthy, your scalp might not be. As such, some things are best left to the experts who are in the business of hair growth. Unsure of where to start? Why not try the exclusive Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment at TrichoKare for only $40! 

As someone who is highly skeptical, visiting a trichologist is probably the last thing on my mind. I mean, why bother when your regular salon offers it too? 

However, upon visiting TrichoKare, I found myself slowly convinced as I listened to my trichologist speak about the importance of my scalp – and lecturing me on all the hair-related things that I’ve been doing wrong. The consultation helped me understand why my hair game is still not there yet – I’ve been abandoning the most important asset, that is the scalp.

Upon the initial scan, I was rather taken aback and disgusted by the condition of my scalp, seeing how unhealthy it was with all the dead and flaky skin clogging my hair follicles. Recommending their Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment, the trichologist explained how it will combat the aforementioned problems – a touch I felt reflected how I’m not just receiving any ol’ treatment. The treatment was fully customizable to my personal needs and targeted all my scalp problems such as clogged follicles, dead skin and an irritated scalp.

With their 3-step “rehabilitation” programme – Regulate, Strengthen and Densify, I found the relaxing treatment to be highly effective even after a single session; I’m pleased to see my scalp visibly cleared up and it feels a whole lot cleaner than before.

If you’ve been trying home remedies but have yielded zero results, a clogged scalp could be what you’re plagued with. Just like a detox, a monthly hair cleanse can help you kickstart your hair revival and help you grow a stronger, healthier mane over time.

Treat your hair right with the exclusive Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment @ $40 + FREE Revitalising Hair Care Kit + HairGRO Serum (total worth $743)! Sign up now! 

About TK TrichoKare

TrichoKare is an award-winning Trichological Centre that provides customised scalp and hair treatments that uses only premium European herbal hair remedies. They have won numerous awards which include ELLE Beauty Treat List 2017 – Best Treatment For Hair  Loss, Her World Spa Award 2016, Harper’s BAZAAR Hair Awards 2016 and Singapore Women’s Weekly – Hair Awards 2016. Celebrities such as Xiaxue, Mediacorp’s Jaynesh and Anand have all had their hair problems treated here. That clearly proves how effective TrichoKare can be when it comes to promoting healthy hair growth, preventing hair fall and hair loss. Try it now!