Despite Police Reports Against Pink Dot Ad – Cathay Firmly Stands Its Ground.


Cathay deflects off criticism and explains its stance.


Cathay Organisation firmly stands by its advertisement at Cathay Cineleisure mall that promotes the upcoming Pink Dot event.

A photo featuring the advertisement on an escalator of the mall first went up on the “We are against Pinkdot in Singapore” Facebook group.

It led to a frenzy and outrage on the facebook group with some condemning Cineleisure and others declaring a boycott against the mall and in more extreme cases, reporting it to the police.

Outrage On The  “We Are Against Pinkdot In Singapore” Facebook Group

Many users on “We are against pink dot Singapore” Facebook group expressed their disapproval and dissatisfaction with the advertisement and organisation. Others joined in a discussion on whether it was legal and further actions they can look to take.

Some have also decided to boycott the organisation entirely.

One of the frequent questions asked was if Pinkdot should even be allowed to advertise its event.

But the Singapore Police Force have confirmed that the Pink Dot organisers are allowed to engage in promotional activities as long as they have a license.

Cathay Speaks Up About Its Mission And Beliefs

A Cathay spokesperson said that Cathay is an entertainment company that believes in an all-inclusive society where there is a place for everyone to call it a home.

“This is and always has been in line with our mission of bringing people together. We hope to inspire people to embrace the values of equality where one can live and love freely,” the spokesperson shared.

Cathay has also previously shown its support for the LGBTQ community.

In 2015, an application was sent to the Media Development Authority of Singapore (now IMDA) to screen the Pink Dot 2015 in its cinemas but the application was rejected.

Responses To Cathay’s Stand

Most responses on Facebook were positive and openly expressed their support for Cathay standing by the LGBT community, while others continued to express their distaste for the advertisement.

This comes shortly after Taiwan Judges approve same-sex marriage in Asia’s first landmark LGBT ruling, joining countries like Canada and the United States that have legalised same-sex marriage.

It seems as that Singapore has a long way to go before we will be joining these countries.