Fake News No More As Facebook Rolls Out Their Tactic To Tackle Them

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Sorry, but you won’t get to share fake news anymore just for the sake of another superficial dramatic conversation starter. 


Sorry, but you won’t get to share fake news anymore just for another superficial dramatic conversation starter. And no, the Queen did not actually say those nasty stuff about Trump.

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Zuckerberg has been big on fake news. Zuckerberg has also been big on making Facebook a conducive environment for both work and leisure to amalgamate seamlessly. Back in December, Facebook announced that it would start labeling and burying fake news. And being a man of his word, Zuckerberg has just done that.

Facebook have started to roll out algorithms to identify fake news. The time and effort to sieve out the accurate news on Facebook is quite a hassle. According to Business Insider, Facebook has teamed up with a host of media organizations that are part of an international non-partisan fact-checking network led by journalism non-profit Poynter. The list includes 42 organizations, but Facebook is initially relying on four: Snopes, Factcheck.org, ABC News, and PolitiFact.

Watch out, fake news.

Users will now be able to clearly differentiate news that are inaccurate, misleading or completely false. And no, it’s not solely based on the user’s discretion. The 4 teams will first review the legitimacy and credibility of both the sites and their information. The flagging will be substantiated by the various sites — Snopes, Factcheck.org, ABC News, and PolitiFact as “Disputed”.

And it’ll look something like this.

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What Zuckerberg Said

On Zuckerberg’s Facebook, he responded to users’ concerns on fake news.

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Sensing the mass concern of this issue, Zuckerberg has similarly released a brief roadmap of their process to tackle fake news, which he normally wouldn’t. Exclusive content here folks!

  • Stronger detection

  • Easy reporting

  • Third Party Verification

  • Warnings

  • Related Articles Quality — where relevant articles will be recommended instead

  • Disrupting fake news economics — where financially motivated spam will be removed

  • Listening — to the experienced in the industry

Whether this new function will clear the hazy smoke of news on Facebook or not is questionable. However, there’s hope that this will at least reduce the chances of “anchoring bias — biases towards news that were published first hand” or “confirmation bias — biases towards what you already believe in”.