First Zika Cluster of 2017 Reported At Hougang

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It’s been a while but here’s why we need to be on the watch for Zika


Since the first confirmed case of a Zika infection in August last year, there have been a total of over 450 cases identified in 2016, and 6 isolated cases this year. But just yesterday (Mar 29), the first Zika cluster of 2017 was reported. The 2 victims belong to the same household in Simon Place in Hougang.

The Zika virus is spread by the Aedes mosquito, which has a distinctive black and white striped body and breeds in clean, stagnant water that is easily found in our homes. Zika virus infections are a great concern to us, especially since it can cause microcephaly in unborn foetuses of pregnant women.

life cycle of mosquito

NEA’s quick response

“As of Mar 29, NEA has inspected about 120 premises out of about 400 premises in the Simon Place cluster to check for mosquito breeding and also conducted ground checks in the vicinity,” said the agency.

Zika Aedes Mosquito NEA

As part of the National Environment Agency’s vector control operations, indoor spraying of insecticides as well as thermal fogging and misting in outdoor areas will be carried out, and residents are requested to cooperate with the NEA officers. So far, ten breeding grounds have been detected and destroyed. NEA officers and grassroots volunteers in the Hougang area have been actively distributing Zika information leaflets and insect repellent to households.

Prevention is better than cure

Of course, we can’t sit around and depend on the NEA to carry out control operations. We have to play our part and keep our community safe from the Zika virus. I’m sure you’ve heard of “The 5-step Mozzie Wipeout”, and there’s no better time to act on it than now!

1. Change water in vases and bowls on alternate days
2. Remove water from flower pot plates on alternate days
3. Turn over all water storage containers
4. Loosen hardened soil
5. Clear blockages and put BTI insecticide in roof gutters monthly

5 Step Mozzie Wipeout


Most people infected with the Zika virus do not develop symptoms. For those who do, the symptoms usually develop within 3 to 12 days after the mosquito bite. Symptoms often last between 4 to 7 days, and include:
– Fever
– Rashes
– Joint and muscle pains
– Headache
– Conjunctivitis (red eyes)

With the newest update of the Zika virus in Singapore, we should all be on the alert and actively prevent the breeding of the Aedes mosquito. For more information on the virus and reported cases in Singapore, head to the NEA’s website.