Up Your Fitness Game With These Simple Workouts You Can Do At Home


As part of a healthy lifestyle movement, there has been an increase in the number of gyms being built in every neighbourhood.

Look to your left and you’ll see Anytime Fitness. A glance to your right and there is Fitness First. Take several steps forward and you’ll find Gymm Boxx.

However, despite the variety of gym options, there are still many other factors that make going to the gym an inconvenience.

So how is one able to squeeze in a cheap yet good workout despite an exhaustingly tight schedule?

The answer lies within your humble abode.

Getting a good workout doesn’t necessarily require treadmills or dumbbells, but utilising common things found around your home will do the trick.

With the help of a full-time fitness trainer – 25-years-old Phone Pyi Kyaw and a freelance personal trainer/strength-based group-class instructor – 25-years-old Sharlynn Ooi, we have managed to compile a list of exercises that you can do in a matter of minutes right in the comfort of your own home.

The Trainers In Question

Before we see the types of exercises, let us have a look at who these trainers are and how their recommended exercises come from years of experience.

Phone Pyi Kyaw


2020 will mark Phone’s ninth year in the fitness industry.

He has participated in numerous events that require superior physique like ManHunt and Face of Singapore 2017. He emerged victorious for the latter and was the second runner-up for the other.

He has also been actively conducting both Personal Training and Group Training for two years and counting.

Impressive feats aside, Phone aims to utilize his experience and knowledge gained over his years in this industry to help beginners with their fitness journey.

Sharlynn Ooi

With a passion for lifting weights, Sharlyyn doesn’t just train and instruct people fitness-wise, she also owns a home-grown sportswear brand called LXIX Atheletica, a brand that aims to empower women by redefining their strength.


Her interest in fitness first came about when received snide comments on her body back in her teenage years.

“To be completely honest, the very first motivation that got me started into fitness was to lose some weight during my teenage years because of a mean comment made by a former schoolmate.”

She started to work out approximately eight years ago and it has been a constant activity of hers ever since then.

She also took part in a bodybuilding competition – a first for her, when she was merely 19 years old.

“After that competition, I started to slowly delve further into the world of strength sports and took part in a few Powerlifting competitions. Fitness has been and will always be a big part of who I am.”

Home Workout By Phone

Sofa Plank (Targeted Muscles: Core / Abdominal Muscles)

At the starting position, stand with your feet close and place the lower part of your palms at the edge of the sofa/chair while the palms are shoulder-width apart. Ensure that your wrist, elbow and shoulder joints are stacked on top of each other. Keeping the chest up + shoulder blades squeezed together + core tight.

During execution, hold it in that position for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise for four sets.

Incline Mountain Climber (Targeted Muscles: Full Body)

At the starting position, place the lower part of your palms at the edge of the chair to get into a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart where your palms, elbows, and shoulders are stacked on top of one another. Keeping the core tight + chest up + squeezing the shoulder blades together.

During execution, imagine that you are jogging/running on the spot by driving the knees in. For regression, you can take one step at a time instead of running or jogging.

Do this for 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle for 4 sets.

Table Push-up (Targeted Muscles: Chest + Triceps + Front Shoulders)

At the starting position, stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the lower part of your palms at the edge of the table while palms are shoulder-width apart. Ensure that your wrist, elbow and shoulder joints are stacked on top of each other. Keep the chest up + shoulder blades squeezed together + core tight.

During execution, as you are lowering/diving your body, ensure that the elbows are slightly tucked into the side of the body and hips are moving up and down together with your upper body throughout the entire movement.

Do this for 30 seconds and rest for 50 seconds. Repeat the cycle for 4 sets.

Water-bottle Squat (Targeted Muscles: Legs + Glutes)

At the starting position, grab a pair of water bottles (or any other bottles) and stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Keeping the chest up + shoulder blades squeezed together + core tight.

During execution, initiate the movement by driving/pushing back your hips and then immediately lowering the hips as if you are trying to sit on an imaginary chair. Lower the hip until your butt is parallel to the floor then come back up to the starting position.

 Do this for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle for 4 rounds.

Wall Squat (Targeted Muscles: Legs / Thighs)

At the starting position, stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Ensure that your back and butt are in contact with the wall/mirror. Keeping the chest up + shoulder blades squeezed together + core tight.

During execution, lower your hips until your butt is parallel to the floor and hold it in that position for 30 seconds.

Come back up to the starting position and rest for 40 seconds. Repeat the cycle for 4 rounds.

Home Workout By Sharlynn

Bulgarian Split Squat (Hamstrings, Quads, Butt)

Find a bench, step or furniture that’s about knee height.

At the starting position, bring your front leg forward until it’s about half a meter or so in front of the furniture, and elevate your back foot on it. Slowly lower yourself into a forward lunge position with your torso upright, core tight and hips squared to your body, with your back feet still stable on the furniture.

During execution, lower your front thigh until it is almost horizontal, making sure to keep your knees in line with your foot. Ensure that your front knee does not extend beyond your toes. From here, drive through your front heel back to the starting position, while keeping your chest up and core tight.

Do this for 12 reps and repeat on the other side. Rest for 1 minute, then repeat again for another 2 more sets.

Glute Bridges/Hip thrusts (Hamstrings, Quads, Butt)

At the starting position, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down.

During execution, slowly lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Squeeze your glutes at the top and ensure that your abs are drawn in so that you don’t overextend your back during the exercise. Hold this position for a couple of seconds before easing back down.

Repeat the movement for a total of 12 reps. Rest for 1 minute and then repeat for 2 more sets.


At the starting position, lie on your back and extend your arms straight behind your head.

During execution, keep your legs straight and lift them off the floor while simultaneously raising your upper body off the floor. Ensure that your lower back is flat against the floor throughout the movement while keeping your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands.

Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position and do this for 12 reps. Rest for 1 minute and then repeat for 2 more sets.

Bicycle crunches (Abs)

At the starting position, lie flat on the floor and ensure that your lower back is pressed flat against the floor.

During execution, put your hands behind your head and slowly bring your right elbow towards your left knee while fully extending your right leg. Switch to the other side and repeat with the same movement to complete one rep.

Do a total of 12 reps, rest for 1 minute and then repeat for 2 more sets.


Before you start, find a chair or bench that’s about knee height.

At the starting position, place your entire right foot onto the bench.

During execution, push through your right heel as you step onto the bench, bringing your left foot to meet your left so you are standing on the bench.

Return to the starting position by stepping down with the right foot, followed by the left so that both feet are on the floor. Do a total of 12 reps leading with the right foot, then repeat for a total of 12 reps on the other foot. Rest for 1 minute and then repeat for 2 more sets.

This piece wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Phone and Sharlynn.

For more fitness moves, do follow them on Instagram – @phonephysique & @sharlynnooi!