Harry Potter Concert Is The Dream Come True For All Potterheads In Singapore

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Brace yourselves, Potterheads: our little red dot is finally being treated to a live Harry Potter concert!

The amazing fantasy world J.K Rowling created for the Harry Potter series has proven to be enduring, with a fandom that’s seemingly never tapering off. Readers around the world remain captivated by the truly magical universe in which her stories are set — and understandably so.


Perhaps it is to make up for the fact that we were deprived of the latest Harry Potter and the Cursed Child musical since it was only screened in London. Or they realised how morally-wrong it was for the film concert to debut in Kuala Lumpur without showing it in Singapore first. Either way, those of us big fans of this book franchise are definitely stoked.

Basically, it is a musical adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Expect a live movie screening of sorts, complete with a full symphony orchestra playing the score of the movie’s soundtrack.


Held at the Esplanade Concert Hall, the movie will be featured on a gigantic 12 metres long screen that is sure to transport you into the magical world itself.


You might want to hold your horses because the ticket prices are not quite budget-friendly. While this is somewhat a treat of a lifetime (by Potterheads standards, at least), it does not seem worth, bearing in mind the concept you’re getting.


The tickets are available for purchase as of 20th April , ranging from $105 to $255. You might want to snag them up ASAP, because the event’s only in town for one weekend (1 to 2 July, 2017), and we’re expecting it to be super popular.

The concert will last approximately 2 hours and 59 minutes, including a 20-minute interval. That’s a dollar you’re paying for a minute of the concert, if you get the cheapest ticket after factoring in the booking fee costs.

And if they play it too perfectly (i.e. like the actual movie) it’ll be like watching a $105 movie, but we may be nit-picking. There’s also no Emma Watson to make it any more worth it for you.