Now Your Watch Begins: Here Are 5 GoT Activities To Help With Your Post S07 Withdrawal Symptoms


Before I begin, be warned: this article is dark and full of spoilers.

After a long awaited season 7, winter has finally come. The latest season of HBO’s Game of Thrones (GoT) has been a spectacular hit, and it’s not hard to see why.

From the Fields of Fire to the massive Wall finally coming down, this season has been filled with many memorable moments that have whet the appetite of both hardcore fans and casual viewers.


However, just as how all men must die (Valar Morghulis), this season must also come to an end.

After Monday’s season finale, the long wait thus begins for season 8.

In an interview with EW, HBO’s Programming President Casey Bloys revealed that fans will have to wait at least 18 months for the final season of the medieval epic, with a targeted date slated for either 2018 or 2019.

Just how we waited forever for winter to finally arrive, the wait for season 8 is going to be a long and arduous wait. Mondays will no longer be a day to look forward to, and the withdrawal symptoms will definitely kick in pretty soon.

To keep you going in life, here are 5 geeky things you can do to battle your post GoT withdrawal symptoms!

1. The GoT Chatbot

A part of what makes GoT so great is its complex characters, intricate backstories, and rich lore. However, at times, all that can get pretty confusing.

Now that we have at least a year and a half to wait, this is the best time to do your research.


With the Game of Thrones Chatbot, this is your perfect chance to catch up with the latest happenings in Westeros and finally ask important questions about your favourite characters.

If you’re confused about who is still alive, who is fighting who, this chatbot will provide you with the perfect opportunity to catch up on the plot before season 8 finally arrives.

We tried the chatbot out, and we got some good results.

However, it was more tight lipped about certain information.

Nonetheless, before the big final season comes, you can take each month to find out all the nitty gritty details of every character and house in GoT. By the time season 8 arrives, you can have the honour of being a walking encyclopedia of Game of Thrones trivia.

2. Find Out How It’s Made

With so many jaw dropping and memorable scenes, this season in particular has definitely stood out as a visual spectacle.


A lot of effort went into making these scenes become a reality, and HBO has released a seven episode sub series called Game Revealed, which provides an in depth behind the scenes look at how season 7 came to life.

The series will include interviews with the cast, the crew, and will show you how the massive sets were made from scratch.


For example, did you know that the ice lake in episode six was completely manmade? Or that all the stuntmen were really on fire in episode 4’s loot train attack?

While the series won’t provide additional plot details, it definitely does give you a greater appreciation for the huge amount of effort that went into the television series.

You can catch the first episode of Game Revealed on their Youtube channel here!Got Food Recipes

3. Got Food Recipes

Have you ever wondered how Hot Pie’s award-winning pies taste like? While you probably can’t get real thing, what you can do is to do the next best thing and make it yourself!


Since you’re going to be waiting for the new season for at least a year, so why not satisfy your GoT cravings with some delicious food? The aptly named will provide a helping hand as they have compiled a huge list of Game of Thrones themed food recipes.

These recipes provide the perfect drinks and refreshments for screening parties, GOT marathons, or even a GoT themed birthday party.


For instance, you can find a recipe to make Direwolf Scones, or get instructions on how to make a tasty Dothraki Blood Pie which kind of looks like curry puffs. (It probably tastes better than it sounds).


They even have recipes for vegetarian dishes like Sansa Salad, and tutorials on how to make plum wines for those intense Cersei-inspired dialogue sessions.

4. Explore the whole universe

While we all know Game of Thrones for the glorious television show it is, there is actually much more to the series than just the HBO series.

As we all know, the show was adapted from a series of books from fantasy author George R.R Martin (GRRM), with the book series being aptly titled “A Song of Ice and Fire”.


GRRM has currently written 5 books, with the sixth book The Winds of Winter still on the way. (Psst, rumour has it that it will hit bookshelves in 2018!)

The stuff in series 7 has officially deviated from the book’s main plot, so the Winds of Winter should provide some new and fresh content for fans. For example, exciting story arcs like Lady Stoneheart will only be explored in the books.


Alternatively, if binge reading 5 books isn’t your thing, there are also a series of GOT video games created by Telltale Games, known for their work on The Walking Dead Series.

The video game (which is actually related to the TV series) follows the characters from House Forrester, a minor house within the TV GoT universe.

Along the way, you will get to interact with famous characters from the main series such as Cersei, Margaery, Jon Snow, Tyrion, Ramsay and Daenerys who are all voiced by their real life counterparts.

The game is designed in such a way that you get to choose the decisions of the characters. So, if you’ve ever screamed at your TV screen berating your favourite character’s choices, this is your chance to show your decision making mettle in Westeros.

5. EzBuy Got Collection

Alternatively, why not satisfy your cravings with some good, old fashioned retail therapy? The best way to show your true fandom is to decorate your wardrobe and your room with a plethora of GoT merchandise.


There are plenty of cool GoT merchandise available online, where you can get a prop replica of Jon Snow’s sword Longclaw or even a Hand of the king thumb drive.

Also, e-commerce site has a huge collection of Got themed paraphernalia and merchandise, and you won’t have to break your bank for it.

The website literally has everything related to GoT – from T-shirts, toys, mugs, handphone cases, keychains, and even a GoT themed Risk board game.

By the way, we’re giving away $300 worth of shopping credits in collaboration with, which makes it the perfect time to go on a GoT related shopping spree. For more details on how to win it, check out the Facebook post here!