Samsung Releases The Dreamy Galaxy S8 Details


What a smashing comeback!


After their high-profile, explosive and embarrassing failure of the Note 7, Samsung really needs a boost in their reputation.

And they just might be on their way with the new Galaxy S8 and it’s dreamy specs— hence the codename “Dream”, according to The Straits Times.



The Feel

The next Galaxy 8 comes in 2 sizes—Dream and Dream 2. Galaxy 8 will be the upgraded version of the Galaxy 7 with a screen enlargement from 5.5 inch to about 6 inch. It’ll have the largest screen portion of any Samsung phone, leaving almost no space for the Samsung logo.

Known as the “infinity display”, the touchable screen will extend sideways, similar to the Samsung Edge S7. They’ve moved their fingerprint recognition feature to the back of the phone to improve usability.

Your home button will be (just like the new iPhone 7) built-in the screen without a separate touch in addition to extra biometric sensors.

The Hardware Specs

The processor, Snapdragon 835 will be even smaller and faster than before, aiming to deliver optimal download speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second. That is 10X as fast as first-generation 4G LTE! It might have a 6GB of RAM as well. The storage will be the typical 64GB with microSD expansion with a memory of 4GB. All this power-packed hardware comes in a water resistant package.

What The iPhone Doesn’t Have

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The impressive Iris detection system that was present in the ill-fated Note 7 will be back in the S8. As a non-Samsung user myself, this is a super cool feature. Talk about Minority Report on-the-go. This “new” feature will allow users to unlock their phone by scanning their iris and make purchases.

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The Duo-Pixel autofocus camera is also one to look out for. It’s essentially has the same Phase Detect technology that DSLRs have been using for quite some time. It’ll be Camera 2.0 for the smartphone world with enhanced image quality, low-light performance and speed.

There’s also built-in image recognition software that will save you those extra few minutes to type out the specific book title or company’s’ name you’re looking for.

The super technological features

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And by super techy stuff I mean VR and 360 vision. The new S8 comes along with the Gear VR headset and 360 Camera that would help you get ahead of other early adopters.

This advanced buzz is not just confined to the leisure and fun, but also greater efficiency in our day-to-day lives. Artificial Intelligence will be included in the new S8. Samsung might be working with South Korea’s local startup company,, who is seen as an up and coming competitor to Google within this space.

Your Desktop-Phone Experience

Known as Samsung Desktop Experience, this new feature will give you the choice of connecting your phone to a screen as a personal desktop.


It can be connected to a monitor, keyboard and other peripherals through a desktop extension (DeX). This is similar to the idea of Microsoft’s Continuum.

This will push the idea of smartphone as desktop replacement to a new level with actual implementation.