Strangers’ Reunion Is Calling For A Second Fundraising Campaign To Help Their Head Chef With Stage 4 Cancer


Here’s hoping Singaporeans will play the good samaritan…


It’s not often that we see employers going the extra mile when it comes to the welfare of their employees – since it usually doesn’t go beyond the compulsory insurance coverage and MOM guidelines.

But in the case of this head chef at Strangers’ Reunion, his employer kickstarted a fundraising initiative for his medical bills after finding out he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Their employers even helped chip in for the bills when the campaign that went viral was still unable to fully cover the hefty costs.


That was two years ago. Fast forward today, head chef Sebastian Tan has since gone through rounds and rounds of painful chemotherapy, radiotherapy together with other medical treatments to help his cancer.

While they had managed to raise an estimated $92,000 during the first round of appeal, it has now depleted to $9,000 as Sebastian’s cancer has started to act up again in the past weeks. To make matters worse, he needed an emergency high-risk procedure to drain the layer of fluid surrounding his heart as his condition was too critical.


The above treatment was only able to treat his symptoms. Moving forward, the next option for him is to undergo further therapy to help his immune system fight the cancer. And while it will not cure him completely, they are hoping that it will help control the symptoms and maintain his quality of life for as long as possible.

Hoping Singaporeans Will Play The Good Samaritan


Earlier last month, the cafe released another call for help – this time to further his therapy to help his immune system. As of now, they have raised $29,546.80 alone on their platform. This is not including the cheques and bank transfers they have received.

More information about the campaign can be found on its website.