Thanks To NASA, We Can Now Travel To Space From The Comfort Of Our Homes

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Looking for something out of this world? 


Over the last 6 decades, only 536 people have been to space. That leaves the rest of us curious, with our burning questions unanswered. Of course, there’s the option of the Virgin Galactic, where passengers get to experience a few minutes of weightlessness. But really, how many of us can afford the $250,000 seat?

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NASA’s Great Reveal

Just this morning, U.S. space agency NASA officially launched a new resource, making over 140,000 images, videos and audio files available to the public. This web-based search engine gives users the space to search for media from specific topics, and shows the newest uploads as well as most popular media files. It also includes image metadata such as details about the equipment used to capture the photographs.

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NASA’s 21st century website includes handy features like automatic scaling of the interface for mobile phones and tablets, as well as caption files that can be downloaded to accompany video recordings.

To give you an idea of how the website looks, here’s a preview:

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Take a look at some fascinating images that can be found on the website:

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Not only that, the website also features a section labelled “Ultra High Definition Video”, and we’ve extracted a short gif for you:


In NASA’s press release, it describes the search engine as “a living website, where new and archival images, videos and audio files continually will be added.”
With this promise, we can expect a growing trove of breathtaking photographs and videos, feeding our curiosity about what lies beyond.