The MRT Is Apparently On Track To Meet Its Reliability Targets – But Commuters Beg To Differ


LTA just released a rail report card for all of Singapore’s train services. 

LTA just released a rail report card for all of Singapore’s train services. According to the statistics, our train services were more reliable in the first three months of this year.

In the first quarter, the trains travelled an average of 354,000km before encountering a delay of more than five minutes  – which is more than double the figure for 2016 when trains were just clocking an average of 174,000km.


Improvements were seen across all five lines, with the Downtown Line clocking the highest mileage before a delay happens. On the other hand, the worst performing line was the East-West Line, although its record improved by almost 50%.

The report card also mentioned that the number of major delays, which are those lasting more than 30 minutes has also fallen as compared to 2016. Only one such delay was mentioned in the report, which was the March 30 power fault on the East-West line that caused a major delay during the evening peak hour.


This performance was apparently graded to have surpassed the 300,000-km target set by Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan.

While Numbers Don’t Lie, Commuters Certainly Beg To Differ

Perhaps first-hand experiences also counts for something – seeing how commuters don’t concur with the reliability report.


Others Are Just Afraid It’ll Jinx The Services


Case in point: The 7-hour disruption on the Downtown line, which affected at least 10,000 commuters between the start of service and lunch time due to faulty doors happened on  May 3, a week after their Q1. It is definitely not easy to maintain the streak of good luck.

Speaking to the media, LTA’s deputy chief executive for infrastructure and development Chua Chong Kheng said the next step will be to “try to do even better”.

Here Are Some Suggestions Based On Real Experiences