To Celebrate PM Lee’s 5th Year On Facebook, We Bring You Some Of His Best Posts Over The Years


He’s literally Singapore’s top influencer. 


Just last Thursday, our beloved Prime Minister hit the five year mark with his Facebook page. With over a million likes on his Facebook page, he is probably one of the few political leaders who is most familiar with social media at that age (he just turned 64 this month!).

His Facebook game has been nothing short of engaging, with a few viral posts that has struck a chord with us. His most notable posts are especially those that carry the now familiar parentheses-wrapped tag, (Photo by me). We bring you 5 of his best Facebook moments that will hit you right in the feels.

When PM Lee Announced His Senior citizenship


Upon receiving his PAssion Silver Concession Card, he took to Facebook by joking that he is “now a certified senior citizen”.

The card is given free to all Singaporeans once they hit 60 years old – providing concessionary fares on public transport as well as discounts for supermarkets, a benefit that will come in handy to him someday.


He added that he is “looking forward” to using his card which led to netizens lauding his sense of humour along with comments of well wishes and jokes of their own.

PM Lee Reveals He’s Secretly A Coding Geek


In the Prime Minister’s Founders Forum Smart Nation speech in 2015, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong revealed his secret love for coding.

“I used to enjoy this; it is a long time since I’ve done anything. The last programme I wrote was a Sudoku solver in C++ several years ago, so I’m out of date.”


Fast forward a month later, he made the source code available to all after someone requested him to post it. He remains pretty humble about it, saying that “the program is pretty basic”, but we’re sure the average Singaporean who aren’t techies were left clueless.

His Many Wefie Moments


PM Lee is undisputably our nation’s Wefie King. If you follow his Facebook or Instagram posts regularly, you would know that he is pretty well-versed in the art of selfie-taking. Armed with an iPhone, long arms and the occasional selfie-stick, he’s able to squeeze the many excited Singaporeans wanting a picture with him.


Perhaps the most iconic one will be his selfie with his own Madame Tussaud’s wax figure. Cute or what.

PM Lee’s Attends Funeral of Stallholder


Market stallholder Siew Chu Hong was all ready to meet PM Lee during his visit to the Teck Ghee Market. Sadly, she passed away from a heart attack that same morning, before she got to meet the Prime Minister. According to her daughter, Mdm Siew was an avid supporter of PM Lee and would take pictures with him whenever he visited the market.


Eventually, the late Mdm Siew did received a personal visit from the Prime Minister after her daughter commented on PM Lee’s facebook post on the market visit. He was empathetic and the visited the wake the very same day he found out about it.

Of course, the family was deeply moved and grateful for his unexpected act of solidarity. The same goes for the rest of us when we caught up on how it all unfolded.

His Undying Love for Mrs Lee


They’re not ashamed to show off their love for each other – with this adorable picture of them. For Valentine’s Day, PM Lee took to Facebook to share this picture of them posing with a “heart” sign. She’s a staple in his selfie endeavours just as she is in his life. From his regular #jalanjalan with her to adorable Valentine’s Day photos, we all can indulge in their marital bliss to our heart’s’ content.

Oh, don’t forget the time when Mrs Lee took a mirror photo of PM Lee getting ready for an event! Can we get an “aww”?

BONUS: When He Prompted An Appreciation For Foreign Workers


It started with a photo of an unnamed man on his Facebook page. PM Lee uploaded a black-and-white photo of a man sitting alone under a tree at Changi Beach Park, which he had taken over the New Year Weekend. In his post, Mr Lee said the man looked like a foreign worker calling home on his cellphone, and urged people to appreciate the contributions of migrant labourers here.

His post prompted hundreds of comments from Singaporeans and foreign workers, amassing more than 26,000 likes, 2,100 shares and 700 comments.