With the extended Circuit Breaker measures, working from home has become the new norm for most of us. Tired of sitting at the same spot for hours? What better way to ease those sores and prevent future ones by trying home workouts and boosting your fitness!
To prevent ourselves from slacking off, we’ve compiled a list of local gyms and fitness places that will help you work out from home, without spending a single cent!
1. BoOm Singapore

BoOm Singapore specialises in functional training and boxing. They’re currently conducting workouts in various forms regularly through IG Live, IG TV and IG posts, all of which can be done at home by members and non-members alike.
Check out their at-home workouts by clicking here!
2. Box Office Fitness

This local gym has prepared a month’s worth of free online workouts all of which are accessible to members and non-members alike on Instagram. The workouts include HIIT, strength, cardio, recovery and more. Those who missed the live streams can rewatch them under their IGTV.
They also encourage viewers to upload a before and after shot as to which the winner will get a 20 Class Pack. Try them here and stand a chance to win!
3. Decathlon Singapore

Decathlon Singapore has been conducting home workouts regularly in the form of Shakerobics which includes dance moves like tango and more on their Facebook page. These workouts are mainly done live by Coach Raihan and go on for approximately 30 minutes.
Those who missed his previous sessions need not fret for they are all uploaded on to Decathlon Singapore’s Facebook page. These workouts will be simultaneously broadcasted on their Instagram page too. Most of their workouts occur at 6PM SGT but keep your eyes peeled for updates on their social media!
4. Evolve MMA
Evolve MMA is Asia’s number 1 Mixed Martial Arts gym. Despite being unable to operate as usual, it didn’t stop them from taking an active step in reaching out to the fitness community and MMA enthusiasts.
They are now offering free online classes that are done live everyday on their Facebook page. Both members of Evolve MMA gym and non-members can enjoy such lessons all of which are taught by world champion martial artists. These classes will reveal how it is indeed possible to learn and hone your skills in martial arts within the confines of your humble abode.
They have also launched Private Group classes albeit only for Evolve MMA Students. This class will be done live on Zoom. For newcomers who are interested to try MMA, check out their free trial class held via Zoom!

5. Fitness First Singapore

All of Fitness First’s online classes are free and can be watched by members and non-members. These classes are premiered live on Facebook and lets you find out what meals are ideal for your workout regime and learn how to get a good workout using ordinary things that you can find at home like bottles, rice sacks, and even vacuums. Their classes will usually go on for approximately 30 minutes, and varies from body combat, hardcore to dance moves.
They will also regularly post new class schedules on their Facebook page so do give it a follow to keep tabs of when the upcoming classes will be held. Additionally, several classes were uploaded onto their Instagram!
6. ActiveSG

ActiveSG is currently providing virtual home workouts on their official Facebook page. These virtual workouts range from boxing, stretches, skipping ropes, pilates and more. They are all streamed live but each session will be uploaded as soon as the stream ends. Thus, anyone who missed it can try it at their own time and pace.
Go ahead and give their Facebook page a Like to ensure that you’ll be kept abreast of their latest time table on when and what types of work outs are available for the week.
7. Pure Fitness

Pure Fitness conducts live stream classes complete with a comprehensive Pure360 LIVE schedule that’s regularly updated and uploaded onto their Facebook page. Their classes include yoga, body combats, dance and more all of which can be done at your humble abode. There are even healthy cooking classes.
All these and more for free on Facebook and Instagram.
8. SportCares

SportCares is a non-profit organisation aimed to empower young people & persons with disabilities through sports! They have recently rolled out fitness videos designed specifically to make sport learning fun. Check out their videos in their official YouTube channel, SportCaresTV!